Sunday 12 August 2007

I am a journalist from India. It was a privilege to be a part of Thomson Foundation International Broadcast Journalism. It is a three-month course. It was not only about journalism but also a journey into the lives of different journalists coming from all parts of the world. Even from countries which I never heard of before like Tongo. It was amazing to see people of different colours and accents. Being a reserve person it took me quiet sometime to mix up with people. But I did it finally. Despite of finding a couple of friends, I still felt homesick. Ironically, I had always craved to be a part of an International course on journalism. And when I got one, I was longing for my home. Ha! Ha!. Journalists in my group felt I speak a lot in the class. May be I don't know. I feel I always opened my mouth to ask a question from the trainer to answer questions. But this never stopped me from speaking in the
My first day in Cardiff was a nightmare. I arrived cardiff airport after 14 hours of long journey. But the worst was yet to come, I forgot one of my baggages in the airport. But luckily found it. For the first time in life I felt that being a vegetarian could be miserable. You may end up eating only chips and veg burgers. Believe me, I did, that too for a whole week. But I am glad to say I didnt give up. Although, I am not a very good cook, I still prepared food for myself. I went to texco and shopped stuffs worth 15 pounds. After a couple of days effort, I expertised it. The brown bean was the first dish that confirmed that I can cook well.

Do I want to become a presenter? Noooo....I love reporting.

Let's have salsa!!! The most memorable evening in London. I did have to drink to get drunk

My first experience in one of the chinese restuarants in London. Being vegetarian could be awful.

Oops!! it's me. My first story in Cardiff which never went on air. But believe me I was not lazy. I did a newsy story on the security in Cardiff. This story was part of our exercise. It was wonderful working aboard. It was fun and memorable shoot