Sunday 12 August 2007

I am a journalist from India. It was a privilege to be a part of Thomson Foundation International Broadcast Journalism. It is a three-month course. It was not only about journalism but also a journey into the lives of different journalists coming from all parts of the world. Even from countries which I never heard of before like Tongo. It was amazing to see people of different colours and accents. Being a reserve person it took me quiet sometime to mix up with people. But I did it finally. Despite of finding a couple of friends, I still felt homesick. Ironically, I had always craved to be a part of an International course on journalism. And when I got one, I was longing for my home. Ha! Ha!. Journalists in my group felt I speak a lot in the class. May be I don't know. I feel I always opened my mouth to ask a question from the trainer to answer questions. But this never stopped me from speaking in the


shapner.pheriwala said...

u hv done world of good for urself..!! proud of ur achievements.

bt itz 2 crowdy to stay 2gether..! bye the way congrats for ur NEW GOLD MEDAL..!!
TK CR...

shapner.pheriwala said...

" In life I hope to be remembered by my kindness, not popularity.
I hope to bring a piece of joy to someone's day, not a rude comment.
I hope to dedicate my life to helping other, not to ignoring them.
And I hope to make the world a better place, not to just exist."
--- Heather C., Age 17 --- Massachusetts